How To Stay Cool On A Hot Day



You will be surprised why there are so many impatient people in a city like Jakarta. Because most of us are living the improper lifestyle. Imagine, we loooooovvveee our chilies and sour foods on a hot sunny summer. No wonder!

For those who lives in the tropics, everyday is summer! Sun…sun…sun!

Not that I’m complaining about the sun (NOT!), it’s just that the heat can really get too much.
Especially for those who are like me, who has a Pitta or Fire Constitution. I guess the best thing to describe the heat is “I’m on Fire!!!”
Of course I am exagerrating, but really, a Pitta person on a summer day can get really heated up!

So how can we survive on a hot summer (summer) day? Let’s try to understand what happens to our body first during summer/hot season.
During a hot summer day, the fire element increases in all of us (you can read more about the element here ). That is why we crave for fresh fruits, ice cream, cold drinks, fresh salads to balance the internal heat. However, people with Vata (Air/Wind) and Kapha (Water) constitution would love the summer because it is the opposite of their cool nature. Pitta (Fire) people who inherently has heat has more problems in coping with the heat. You wouldn’t really want to make them irritated during a hot day!

During a hot summer day, we experience a lot of pitta related problems such as sunburn, boils, acidity, internal heat, heat rash, pimples etc. Don’t also be surprised if our blood pressure rises up so easily because of the “extra boiling point”! So try to stay and keep cool.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Always try to stay and keep cool
2. Always go out with an umbrella or a hat to protect from the heat with going outdoors
3. Stay calm and stress free ( it will be a big challenge to be in Jakarta’s traffic)
4. Pitta people should avoid excess salt, yogurt, tomatoes, alcohol, red meat, sour foods, spicy foods and fermented foods
5. Opt for sweet fruits such as mangoes, coconut, pears
6. Enjoy carbs, fresh veggies, and cereals
7. Drink water with cucumber slices or lemon slices
8. Spray some rose water on the face during hot season (freshen and cools the skin)
9. Put a sandalwood oil on the thymus (fifth chakra) to avoid impatience
10. Shower 3 times a day with cool water if needed (avoids anger :D)
11. Do some breathing exercises such as meditation
12. Put on jasmine, rose or sandalwood fragrance as perfumes
13. Laugh more!
14. Bathe in a rose quartz water and some drops of sandalwood or jasmine essential oil

Those are the tips that can balance a Pitta on a hot summer days. You will be surprised why there are so many impatient people in a city like Jakarta. Because most of us are living the improper lifestyle. Imagine, we loooooovvveee our chilies and sour foods on a hot sunny summer. No wonder! I hope you Pitta people can benefit from this article. But even the others who would like to have a balanced consititution on a summer should try to follow these recommendations.

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