We Are All Wired Up To The One Source


I was always wondering how can we really prove that the whole being is connected with The One Source. Connected to The One Consciousness. Well, let me tell you about my experience. One day I was joking and teasing a good friend of mine. We go along way back the two of us. It seems that we could talk about anything. Literally about anything. However, since we have been separated by time, I guess we have “missed” out of some updates about one another. When I by having no intention of hurting her just kept on bombarding her with the jokes and teasing. However I noticed that she litteraly froze after I have mentioned a word. So without me realizing at first, kept on laughing, I suddenly stopped laughing in the most awkward way. I just reminded me of those scenes in the film when someone just turn into a frozen chilled frown while looking at the other person laughin like an ass. Well, I guess that was the scene that happened between my friend, Bella, and I.

I could feel like a frozen staligtite of ice dropping from out of nowhere. After managing to recompose myself in the most awkward throat clearing way, I finally managed to utter a word,

” Did I say something wrong?”.
D-uh, it doesn’t take a genious to know that I have definetely said something wrong.

” I was joking….Hey, can’t we joke anymore?”
There was this most uncomfortable silence at first.
Finally she spoke,

” Yes, but not about that one.”
I guess her silence is also that she was wondering why is she felling so touchy about that certain issue. So she finally managed to explain.

” I don’t know why I get so sensitively touchy about that issue. I will have to work on it”.

” I am really sorry. I didn’t realize it was something so touchy with you” said I profusely apologizing. It was a meeting that we haven’t had since a long time. I had to ruin it with my stupid jokes.

” It’s okay. I’ll have to work on myself on it. But forgive me too that I don’t feel like talking anymore for the moment. I need to leave first”, said she in an a gaze that looked far away.

With that she left and I felt like the most idiot in the entire universe. At first, I was feeling a bit offended that she had to leave in such a way and make me feel guilty about it.

” Hey man, you were teasing me like hell and I was not offended at all. So why do YOU have to FEEL bad?”, the ego was so noisy in my head. However, I let her leave and also not stopping to apologize.

This is when I realized that we are CONNECTED to THE ONE SOURCE. I managed to understand what the word ” God is in everyone of us. If you hurt a person, that means we are also hurting The One that is inside us too”.

After she left, I felt such a sharp pain in the middle of my chest. I believe it is what is called the psychic heart.

” Whoaa…where did this pain come from?”, I was wondering while I was rubbing my chest. But then, I just realized that the feeling was not entirely mine. It belonged to Bella! Upon realizing this, I felt so bad…. I was feeling that pain as to what Bella was feeling.

This is when I realized that we are CONNECTED to THE ONE SOURCE. I managed to understand what the word ” God is in everyone of us. If you hurt a person, that means we are also hurting The One that is inside us too”.

The catch is, we can only feel this if our Ego has stopped to become noisy in our head. I also realized that while joking and teasing, my ego was going for the “kill” of who can make the other person be defeated by the joke without having any intention of harming. Because after all it is a game of joking and teasing. So that incident made me learn AGAIN that when the Ego is silent, the Consciousnes takes over….only then one can realize that we are all WIRED up to that ONE SOURCE.

If you want to see something more in extreme, watch this short documentary.

How To Stay Cool On A Hot Day



You will be surprised why there are so many impatient people in a city like Jakarta. Because most of us are living the improper lifestyle. Imagine, we loooooovvveee our chilies and sour foods on a hot sunny summer. No wonder!

For those who lives in the tropics, everyday is summer! Sun…sun…sun!

Not that I’m complaining about the sun (NOT!), it’s just that the heat can really get too much.
Especially for those who are like me, who has a Pitta or Fire Constitution. I guess the best thing to describe the heat is “I’m on Fire!!!”
Of course I am exagerrating, but really, a Pitta person on a summer day can get really heated up!

So how can we survive on a hot summer (summer) day? Let’s try to understand what happens to our body first during summer/hot season.
During a hot summer day, the fire element increases in all of us (you can read more about the element here ). That is why we crave for fresh fruits, ice cream, cold drinks, fresh salads to balance the internal heat. However, people with Vata (Air/Wind) and Kapha (Water) constitution would love the summer because it is the opposite of their cool nature. Pitta (Fire) people who inherently has heat has more problems in coping with the heat. You wouldn’t really want to make them irritated during a hot day!

During a hot summer day, we experience a lot of pitta related problems such as sunburn, boils, acidity, internal heat, heat rash, pimples etc. Don’t also be surprised if our blood pressure rises up so easily because of the “extra boiling point”! So try to stay and keep cool.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Always try to stay and keep cool
2. Always go out with an umbrella or a hat to protect from the heat with going outdoors
3. Stay calm and stress free ( it will be a big challenge to be in Jakarta’s traffic)
4. Pitta people should avoid excess salt, yogurt, tomatoes, alcohol, red meat, sour foods, spicy foods and fermented foods
5. Opt for sweet fruits such as mangoes, coconut, pears
6. Enjoy carbs, fresh veggies, and cereals
7. Drink water with cucumber slices or lemon slices
8. Spray some rose water on the face during hot season (freshen and cools the skin)
9. Put a sandalwood oil on the thymus (fifth chakra) to avoid impatience
10. Shower 3 times a day with cool water if needed (avoids anger :D)
11. Do some breathing exercises such as meditation
12. Put on jasmine, rose or sandalwood fragrance as perfumes
13. Laugh more!
14. Bathe in a rose quartz water and some drops of sandalwood or jasmine essential oil

Those are the tips that can balance a Pitta on a hot summer days. You will be surprised why there are so many impatient people in a city like Jakarta. Because most of us are living the improper lifestyle. Imagine, we loooooovvveee our chilies and sour foods on a hot sunny summer. No wonder! I hope you Pitta people can benefit from this article. But even the others who would like to have a balanced consititution on a summer should try to follow these recommendations.

Self Love

Selama beberapa minggu ini kesibukan saya benar-benar pada puncaknya. Dari travelling, memberikan workshops, training staff baru sampai pergantian sistem bekerja. Lengakap semua aktifitas sampai saya tidak sempat untuk yoga, olah raga, sampai minum suplemenpun lupa! Ckckckck…not good Archana!

So guess what happened? Ya iyalah yauw…akhirnya badan ini tumbang pula. Padahal tenggorokan sudah protes ketika ia beberapa kali mulai serak dan protes untuk mengeluarkan suara alaminya yang merdu..ehm..Terus sudah beberapa malam tidak bisa tidur. Saking kecape’an sehingga tidak bisa tidur. Pernah mengalami kecape’an seperti itu sampai saking letihnya malah menjadi tidak bisa tidur? Waaah…kalau itu sudah terjadi, berarti kita sudah mengalami fatigue. Biasanya kalau sudah mengalami hal seperti itu, seharusnya saya berhenti. Total STOP! dan saatnya merawat diri sendiri.

Seringkali kita bicara tentang “Love Yourself”…”Cintailah Dirimu Sendiri”. Hmm…terus terang, banyak klien-klien yang bingung dengan kalimat tersebut.

“Berarti kita harus narsis dong,mbak?”, tanya mereka.

Well…not exactly seperti itu. Salah satu bentuk mencintai diri sendiri yang paling mudah adalah seperti contoh yang saya ilustrasikan di atas. Well…mungkin ilustrasi diatas lebih menggambarkan tentang bentuk kurang mencintai diri sendiri. Jika saya mencintai diri sendiri, saya tidak akan membiarkan diri saya sampai jatuh sakit. Dan sakit yang saya alami bukan saja sekedar tumbang dalam bentuk flu dan infeksi pernapasan, tetapi ketenangan jiwa dan pikiran saya juga terganggu.

Mencintai diri sendiri berarti mendengarkan apa kata badan kita dan apa kata hati kita. Memang seringkali kita dihadapkan pada sebuah situasi yang memaksakan kita untuk melakukan hal-hal yang kita tidak inginkan, tetapi kita tahu kita harus melakukannya. Walaupun keputusan tersebut kelihatannya sesuatu yang tidak kita ingin ambil tetapi kita tahu adalah yang terbaik. Semakin kita menunda-nunda untuk mengambil keputusan tersebut, justru kita hanya akan menimbulkan penyakit bagi diri kita. Ini bukanlah bentuk mencintai diri sendiri.


Salah satu bentuk lain mencintai diri sendiri adalah:

1. End Toxic Relationships:

Memutuskan hubungan dengan lingkungan atau dengan orang-orang yang tidak memperlakukan kita dengan baik.Hubungan ini hanya menimbulkan racun bagi diri kita. Hubungan semacam ini yang dikenal dengan “toxic relationship”.Jangan mentolerir siapa saja hanya karena urusan finansial, atau karena urusan hati, atau karena demi anak atau demi kenyamanan. Jadi salah satu bentuk untuk mencintai diri sendiri adalah tidak mentolerir orang-orang yang tidak memperlakukan kita dengan baik. Titik.

2. Learn To Say “NO”:

Kita harus belajar untuk bisa mengatakan “tidak” kepada orang-orang, kegiatan-kegiatan dan tanggung jawab-tanggung jawab yang tidak membawa manfaat bagi kehidupan kita.

3. Keep Good Company:

Pilih lingkungan yang mendukung kita, yang mencintai kita, yang membuat kita menjadi diri kita yang lebih baik. Jadi bukan hanya sekedar feel good saja. Karena kalau sekedar menjadi feel good saja, kita akan menjadi egois. Tetapi good company dapat merupakan lingkungkan yang menggembleng kita menjadi lebih sadar terhadap sesuatu yang lebih luas. Misalnya tentang lingkungan, tentang kehidupan, dan yang jelas tentang perkembangan evolusi jiwa dan batin kita. Sekedar feel good doesn’t mean it’s good for us. Ibarat makan cake yang super duper delicious dalam jumlah yang banyak, it makes us feel good. Tapi apakah sehat untuk kita?

4. Find Meaning In Everything:

Jangan puas hanya dengan sekedar mendapatkan teman, pekerjaan, cinta, hubungan dan kehidupan yang biasa-biasa saja. Kita tidak hidup untuk selamanya, carilah segala sesuatu yang berarti!

5. Always Do The Things You Love & Love The Things You Do:

Lakukanlah hal-hal yang Anda minati dan Anda suka. Biasanya, jika ingin mencari sesuatu yang benar-benar menjadi passion Anda adalah, ketika Anda melakukannya,Anda sampai lupa waktu. Kalau merumpi adalah sesuatu yang Anda suka, ya jadikanlah suatu pekerjaan bagi Anda. Misalnya jadi presenter acara gossip atau jadi wartawan acara gossip. Tetapi, sekali lagi, pertanyakan kembali kepada diri Anda, apakah pekerjaan ini membuat Anda menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik. Selalu gunakan the Golden Rule: Do Unto Others What You Want Others Do Unto You. Perlakukanlah orang lain sebagaimana Anda ingin diperlakukan oleh orang lain. That is important! Jangan egois :p

Salah satu bentuk mencintai diri sendiri adalah jauhkan diri Anda dari orang-orang dan lingkungan yang negatif. Karena energi negatif ini akan menerkam kita dan benar-benar melelahkan kita. Carilah dan beradalah di dekat orang-orang dan lingkungan yang membuat diri kita menjadi versi diri yang lebih baik, yang memicu untuk mengeluarkan potensi diri kita, mencintai dan menerima diri kita. That is… my friend, Loving Yourself!

“Ooohh… gitu tokh, mbak” seorang klien manggut-manggut setelah saya jelaskan tentang bentuk mencintai diri sendiri.            

Love Starts From The Self!  

Karena banyak sekali orang mengira bahwa mencintai diri sendiri berarti menjadi egois. Mau menang sendiri, yang penting kita happy. Oh no no no…itu benar-benar egois namanya. Sangat berbeda sekali. Menjadi egois berarti kita hanya mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa peduli apa yang terjadi dengan orang lain. Menjadi egois berarti hanya ingin menang sendiri tanpa memikirkan orang lain, yang penting aku aku aku aku…Itu namanya egois. Mencintai diri sendiri berarti, sekali lagi menerima kelemahan kita, menerima kesalahan kita, mendengarkan hati dan tubuh kita sehingga kita bisa merawatnya. Termasuk merawat ego supaya tidak diberi “makan” terus.

Bentuk lain dari mencintai diri sendiri adalah memberi asupan makanan yang tepat bagi tipe tubuh dan pikiran kita. Nah…untuk itu, silakan tunggu tulisan saya tentang Ayurveda yang membahas tentang mind/body type setiap orang. Tunggu tanggal mainnya ya :) Teman-teman, saya ingin mendengarkan pengalaman teman-teman tentang Self Love. Please leave your comments dibawah ini ya. Terima kasih banyak…Rahayu…Namaste….

Ini adalah sebuah lagu yang saya pelajari dari Centre Of Agapenya Dr. Beckwith waktu saya bertemu beliau di Melbourne, Australia (salah satu nara sumber di film The Secret)…

I love myself so much 

So I can love you so much 

So you can love you so much

So you can start loving me….

Jealousy…The Green Eyed Monster Part I

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    Jealousy…The Green Eyed Monster Part I

The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.

William Penn

What can drain our energy so fast and drive us insane? Yup, you got it right….it’s Jealousy!

Jealousy can really drive us mad. I like the quote from J.R. Ward, Dark Lover – “Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy, he thought. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistable urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. Yippee.”

Amazingly, jealousy doesn’t only disturbs us mentally but physically too. Splitting headache, short breath, tightened chess muscle, stomach pain, and many more.

Let’ s try to understand more about jealousy. If we can describe what jealousy is, we can say that it is a combination of posessiveness, fear, rage, humiliation, insecurity, suspicion, and we feel threatened by our rival. We can agree with Shakespeare that is is ugly and a kind of a green eyed monster whom we have to beware of. The dictionary would say this about jealousy:

” A sentiment which is born in love and which is produced by the fear that the loved person prefers someone else” (Littré)

Well, that’s not exactly what they said in the dictionary. This is what is says:

typically refers to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival –
Webster Dictionary

There you go. You’ll get the definition above if you type it in google. Now what can we do if we are feeling jealous? And why are we jealous? Master Osho says we are jealous because jealousy is born out of comparison where actually each one of us are unique and incomparable. When we become jealous out of comparison, we can become very mean. I would like to quote Osho’s story about jealousy:

An elderly farmer was moodily regarding about the ravages of the flood. “Hiram!” yelled a neighbor, “your pugs were all washed down the creek.”

“How about Thompson’s pigs?” asked the farmer.

“They’re gone too.”

“And Larsen’s?”


“Hum!” ejaculated the farmer, cheering up. “It ain’t as bad as I thought,”

We become devilish, we are happy when others are in misery too and we feel good about it. But when one is winning or successful, we become bitter about it.

According to the ancient scriptures, jealousy is regarded as the 6 passions or enemies of the mind. They are lust, anger, greed, delusion and pride. Jealousy is the combination of lust, anger, greed and pride. If we indulge in these passions we become jealous. These 6 bandits are not outside of us, they are very much inside us. Jealousy means dissatisfaction with ‘who am I’ and ‘what I have got’. Jealousy comes naturally and effortlessly when you compare yourself with others. Once you get trapped into jealousy it will suck your all energy and creativity.

In my humble opinion, if we are jealous over someone else’s achievement, that means we have just admitted that we have lost. I am not saying that we should compete, but we should make that person’s achievement as a catalyst for us to be better. Remember, when we stop comparing ourselves to others, jealousy will disappear.

So what happens if we are jealous in a relationship? Such as our partner is having an affair? Well, first of all, we have to better make sure first whether our partner is really having an affair or it is just our paranoia. I think a little jealousy is needed in a relationship. Because it can be sweet, spark some romance in the relationship and act as a compliment towards our partner. But when we are getting too carried away, we will actually drive our partner away. And….ironically, we will face the situation that we have always dreaded, that is losing our partner to someone else!

For those of us who starts to find our self reading our partner’s emails and wanting to know what is in our partner’s smartphones, just stop! Because it is demeaning to us.. Of course we have to find out whether our partner is cheating or not. If yes, then we have another problem. We have to work out on the relationship. We have to find out what is it that makes our partner want to be in another’s arms. Maybe we have been neglecting our partner or maybe driving them away…. (to be continued)

Dance Like No One Is Watching You

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    Dance Like No One Is Watching You

Last week, I had to get my toe nails pulled out from its roots! Ouch!

Yeah…I know how you feel when you are reading this. It had an infection and it broke in the middle. It had an infection and therefore for the sake if saving my beautiful toe,  I had to have it pulled off. It took 3 injections to finally make my toe numb!

Anyways, to cut the story short, my doctor, who is my friend, told me that I should better go and eat something before I take the pain killer pill that he subscribed for me. So I went to a food mall near my office. I detest the loud music. I mean I live the music but it was just too noisy. I chose to eat in a dim sum place since I have to lose weight, I opt for dim sum.

While waiting for my order to come, there was this cute little girl who was dancing in the middle of the hallway. She danced so carefree and not minding what others would think of her. She doesn’t even bothered whether others were watching or not. All she cared was that she was enjoying and having fun.

Woow…I envy her. How I wish we adults could be like that also. I occasionally do it without me realizing it. But what happens is that we adults gets judged that we are just trying to attract some attention. Well, it’s true that some of us adults don’t have an innocent motive like children do. However that doesn’t stop us from being able to dance too. We do dance in clubs and so on. But what I’m talking about is that we should just chose a place where we can be alone and dance like no one else is watching!

This morning, I danced alone to my favorite tune. I was really….I mean reaaalllyy dancing like I have never dance before. And I was really dancing like no one else is watching. I really felt wonderful after doing it. In a way, I sort of got my innocence back. It was such an uplifting experience.

Dancing is a very good therapy. I would also like to share it with my clients. I have developed a special dance therapy for creativity and also for stress release. I feel like there are certain body movements that produces some therapy effects. I’m really excited in exploring all this.

Dancing can be a healthy way to keep fit physically and mentally. It is good for people of all ages, shapes and size. Here are some of the benefits of dancing:

  • Improved condition of your heart and lungs
  • Increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness
  • Good cardio exercise
  • Improved muscle tone and strength
  • Weight management
  • Stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Better coordination, agility and flexibility
  • Improved balance and spatial awareness
  • Increased physical confidence
  • Improved mental functioning
  • Improved general and psychological wellbeing
  • Greater self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Better social skills
  • Balancing the brain hemispheres

When you dance away and just cut loose, it becomes a meditation on its own. When we dance in such a way, we are letting ourselves to freely express ourself through the dance. We release all tension and when that happens, creativity arises. You see, tension is a trapped energy. It needs to be released.

I remember once a Master Osho said about dancing as a meditation: “Dancing is no longer a doing, but a happening. As you continue to dance, you may start to forget that you are dancing and to feel that you are the dance. Unlike those times when you are still aware of the separation between you and the dance, between you and the music, it becomes a meditation when the divisions dissolve and you are totally involved, totally merged into the dance. You do not need to do anything to force this shift; just allow it to happen”

Dancing meditation or therapy is a great way to liberate feelings of positivity and joy. When we free the body, we allow the mind to expand and our hearts will open up and our spirit will fly. So Celebrate and Dance!


It’s All About Mind Training!

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    It’s All About Mind Training!

Have you ever awoken to the same thoughts over and over again for the course of almost everyday? And most of the thoughts that reoccur are mostly negative thought. Isn’t that horrifying?!

Well, I first did not realise it for years. Several years ago on a fine one day, I woke up with the same reoccurring thoughts about my anger towards a beloved one. The thoughts would linger even until I was having my breakfast, and worse… it would continue throughout the day if my mind was not kept busy with other things. I was so engrossed with the train of thought. Trying to rationalise, look for more faults so that the blame and anger would be justified. And if the feeling of anger subsides, I would still find excuses and reason to validate my anger towards that person.

That is how the mind works. That is what the Ego wants to hang on to. Did you know that we have circa 60000-70000 thoughts per day and 90% of the are negative thoughts? And these 90% of the negative thoughts plays in the head like a broken record player everyday! Ironically is that every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation.

When I realised this, I knew I had to make a stop to it. Then I discovered that those negative thoughts became automatic, that is why some people would call it as Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). I read about this is in an article which was taken from an Australian yoga magazine. If those negative thoughts appeared automatically, that means I have developed a habit for it. If it is a habit, then it could be my character. And if it became my character, that would become my destiny. Whoa….no way will I have such kind of destiny! No-uh!

So, I had to stop this bad habit by training my brain to lessen those negative thoughts. That’s where I came about to be acquainted with meditation. It is strange that at first I was not too keen on the word meditation. Because I heard from a lot of people that meditation is like a ritual for a certain religion. Yeah right! Those people who talks in that sense means that they need to open up their horizon and start reading and discovering a whole new world of the neuroscience.

Meditation is not religion! I like the explanation that meditation is not religion by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey in this interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp1DGDaHvHg

Meditation is not about levitating or will be in conflict your religious beliefs. Because in all religions meditation exists. The monks do it, the Sufis do it, etc. I would say that meditation is actually a form of “mind training”. It is true that a lot of people are apprehensive to the word because it is something “new” in the western world of psychology which is adopted by the whole world. But I remember a quote by Carl Jung, “What the East knows about the human mind is at least 2000  years ahead of western psychology”. So, you know how it is. People are afraid of the things that they don’t know. But once they are well informed, the fear disappears.

Let’s go back to “mind training”. The habit that I have developed in thinking of the same things over and over again for everyday in my certain period of life means it is a form of a repetition that reoccurs. So the only antidote to is to train the mind to not think that way. It is quite and exhausting job If I were to try to block all those negative thoughts that comes in my mind. The thing I need to do is not to directly grab the mind and try to tame it. There is another of a more simple way, and that is through controlling the breathing. When we are able to control our breathing, automatically we control the mind! A-ha!

You see, there’s such a clear connection between the breathing and the brain – which is used to express the mind. I will talk more on that in my next article. To make the story short, when I have succeeded in training the mind, I can catch glimpses of the thoughts. And the more I control my breathing, the thoughts lessened. And then when that happens, I was able to reprogram my old pattern of thinking negative thoughts :)

Therefore, I would recommend that everyone should be thought mind training. It breaks the pattern of negative self talk too. Imagine what life could be if we rid of all those negative self talks and negative thoughts. Life would be like a breeze…

You’ll Find A Treasure If You Look Closer

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    You’ll Find A Treasure If You Look Closer

I needed to get some recharging from Nature that I decided to head for the beach. Another reason is that I wanted to capture Bali’s Sunset with my Olloclip lenses.

To my amazement, I was not the only who wanted to witness Bali’s Sunset. It was so crowded! There was a group of people who played soccer, and another group who was practising martial arts, couples, sate sellers, families, etc.

It was quite difficult to take a picture of the sun with an Iphone without capturing anyone who passes in between the sun and I.

So I decided to change strategy. I took out the macro lens from my olloclip and started to look for other objects. Since the easiest thing available was the sand, so I took a picture of it. To my awe, the result of the picture is this picture. Of course it doesn’t have the writing on it, but look at those beautiful colorful crystals!

I was so amazed to look at the close up picture of the sand that it hit me on the head….hey! This is how we miss a lot of things in this life, it’s because we don’t take time to take a closer look of what things are made off. That is why a lot of us are so depressed, unhappy and miserable!

Have we taken the time to take a closer look at ourselves? I don’t mean about looking at our physical self through the mirror. But looking at what lies inside of each one of us. We should be like the sand, we are made up off beautiful colorful crystals…a real treasure.

We have been conditioned to look at ourselves from the outside…at the outerworld. Not a lot of us look at the inside. I mean…what’s there to look at? It’s dark and no stimulation for the senses. Exactly!

We are so used to with the noises, visuals, tastes of the hustle bustle of the busy outer world that darkness and silence just scares a lot of us. I guess we forget that one can only recognize and see the light in darkness.

Why do I connect depression and unhappiness with all this? It’s because a lot of us are still disconnected with our true self. We are crying for the loss of our so called ‘treasure’ of; childhood, loved ones, relationships, jobs, wealth, memories, etc – and we seek all of that from our outer world. We forgot to look closer at ourselves of what we are really made off. We may be like the sand i described, consisted of a precious thing. We never seek within.

If we only take a closer look at ourself, we will find a treasure within. Hiw do we do that? Start by closing our eyes and limiting ourselves from any sense stimulation that excites us too much. This is the Only way to access it. People call it meditation, it is a process where we start listening to ourself….the real Self and not to our Ego.

Read more books about it, gain more knowledge about it. Start the journey within. It will take time, patience and practise. You will only be good t anything if you practise. Get to know yourself and get acquainted with yourself. Soon, you will discover a treasure within…

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